Working during the Holidays : The Referral Link Way
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Working during the Holidays

by Shayne Webber, Ph.D. on 12/10/10

If you are in sales or even own your own business, you may have a tendency to relax a bit this time of year.  I am not suggesting you shouldn't relax, but I would like to suggest that this time of year is a great time to gain ground on your competitors.  Your competitors are likely on cruise control and if you buckle down and work you can and will gain momentum heading into the new year. 

Think about this...

If you sell a business to business product or service, the decision makers that you need to see are likely being hit up by fewer sales people this month.  And, they may enjoy the Christmas Season and be in a good mood.  This all are great for helping you get appointments and sales.  So, keep up your activity levels or increase them and have a Merry Christmas!!!

Take care and God Bless,

Shayne Webber, Ph.D.
Referral Link

Comments (1)

1. Ken Collier said on 12/13/10 - 08:33AM
Great point Shayne. The idea that business has to shut down through the holidays leaves great opportunity for the individual who is willing to act on this let up in activity. It coinsides with the idea that you can beat 95% of the competition just by showing up. The remaining 5% is a dog fight. You rise to the top of that group most often by sheer hard work. Concentrated, smart work using technology and networks to be sure but still there is no substitute for working hard. The idea of being early comes into this as well as your momentum and game plan are already being executed for the coming year even as the calender turns. Ken Collier Commercial Communications Consulting

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